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Weelo FIT

Weelo FIT is the bike parking that looks good on everything. A modular and compact solution, which can be customized in the materials and colors of the cladding to integrate harmoniously into the context.

WeeloFIT è disponibile anche nella versione con pannelli fotovoltaici, per essere totalmente indipendente a livello energetico ed evitare qualsiasi lavoro di installazione. Più sostenibile di così!

Technical data

Dimensions 8 spots – CM 497 X 201 (about a car parking)
Suggested locations Extensively throughout the city, reaching every street and square.
Number of bicycles
8, 12, 16, 20
Accessories video surveillance, bike lab, air quality sensors, digital billboards
Colors customizable


Each box can accommodate a bicycle and its accessories, such as helmets and backpacks; automatic lighting when the door opens ensures that the user does not forget anything before leaving the box free.


Weelo FIT is designed to be versatile and modular: bicycle spaces can be added horizontally.

This construction method allows the number of boxes to be increased or decreased, ensuring the necessary flexibility to meet demand over time.


The bike box is made entirely of galvanized and painted pressed steel sheet, suitably sized and of variable thickness.

The box consists of a supporting structure that allows the assembly of multiple modules, using stainless steel junction bolts. The partition walls are also made of galvanized and painted steel sheet, mechanically fixed to the supporting structure with screws.

Il box è composto da una struttura portante che permette l’assemblaggio di più moduli, attraverso bullonature di giunzione, realizzate in acciaio INOX. Anche le pareti divisorie sono realizzate in lamiera in acciaio zincato e verniciato, fissato alla struttura portante meccanicamente con viteria.

Style and graphic customization

The bike box is made entirely of galvanized and painted pressed steel sheet, suitably sized and of variable thickness.

The box consists of a supporting structure that allows the assembly of multiple modules, using stainless steel junction bolts. The partition walls are also made of galvanized and painted steel sheet, mechanically fixed to the supporting structure with screws.


The door of the individual box has been designed to ensure maximum protection against break-in attempts: the hinges and the electromechanical lock are in a protected and inaccessible position, positioned to offer high security and an elegant and valuable design.